First of all !
Do these phrases make sense to you ?
« I can't find the right words for writing my web pages. »
« I don't know how to optimize my articles or product sheets. »
« Web writing and content integration are tedious and redundant tasks. »
Yes, but then how to do it ?
We have THE solution
for all your content
Rédaction Writing for relevant content
Our web writing service is for all businesses that want unique SEO-optimized content.
Because your story is beautiful, let us find the right words to tell it. Indeed, we are not simply drafting a common text that would suit all companies in your sector… We bring importance to authenticity and we want it to match your universe while meeting the needs of your customers.
Even if it is essential that the content has an interest for the reader, we must not leave aside our friends, the search engines. It is now that the notion of natural referencing (SEO for the intimate) comes into play! Hn tag, bolding, internal mesh… we write by staging the different techniques of natural referencing, always with subtlety. We also take care of updating your old texts by optimizing them, this is called SEO rewriting.
The goal is for you to say to yourself “It’s perfect, it’s exactly what I expected!”.You are delighted, and that’s priceless!
Because we don’t want secrets between us! Here are the themes & web writing universes that make us vibrate: Travel (Being digital nomads, it’s rather logical, don’t you think?) / Bio & Natural / Wellness / Alternative Medicine / Personal Development / Yoga / Qi Gong / Meditation / Nature / Ecology / Photography.
You have your content but you lack time to integrate it?The web agency of freelancers DAFT comes to your rescue. We take care of the integration of all your texts, from the blog post to the newsletter and the product sheet, in your back office (WordPress and Prestashop mainly, but adventurers at heart, we are ready to explore other CMS) as well as in your web tools like Mailjet and MailChimp.
The icing on the cake, our digital communication agency provides other services related to web writing such as the search for topics / keywords and the writing of META tags. Isn’t life beautiful ?
It helps me a lot...
SEO copywriting: how does it work?
The first thing to do is to fill out the form in order to better explain your needs in terms of web writing, proofreading or correction.
If we can meet your request, we will send you a quote. Of course, we remain available if you have any questions.
When everything is validated, we take care of writing your content (product sheet, web page, blog article, etc.), proofreading it, correcting it or optimizing it for natural referencing.
Once the work is done, we send it to you and we release the champagne to celebrate our collaboration!
Our customer reviews

All your questions about web writing!
Just for you, we have concocted an FAQ gathering the most frequently asked questions by our clients regarding SEO web writing. Of course, you can always contact us at
What types of texts do you write ?
From the product sheet to the blog post through a web page or a brand sheet, we can write a multitude of content, from the most standard to the most unusual. Web writing offers a very wide field of action, so do not hesitate to let us know your needs.
Do you write texts optimized for SEO ( natural referencing) ?
Of course! With an SEO web writer at the helm of our web agency, one of our main missions is to write content that is visible and well referenced by search engines. Each text is worked in a personalized way and optimized SEO to boost your natural referencing. For each SEO article writing, our web agency pulls out the heavy artillery: Hn markup, bolding of keywords, creation of a lexical field, internal meshing, etc.
You have already written your content but want to optimize it or give it a new youth? We ensure the proofreading / correction of any type of text as well as the SEO rewriting.
For information, we gladly welcome requests for classic writing.
What topics do you deal with in web writing ?
Are you looking for a freelance travel & tourism web writer or an SEO writer specialized in organic & natural health? You’re in the right place! Our passion is the writing of travel articles and the web writing of organic & natural care products.
Always looking to learn more, all other areas of writing are welcome!
Do you ensure the integration of texts on my website ?
Why write SEO-optimized content ?
Having a text optimized for natural referencing or good SEO content is essential for the SEO of a website. It allows you to bring more visibility to your website, by placing you in a good position on search engines, and at the same time increase your traffic.
How does the payment of a service work ?
For invoicing and payment, we go through Malt, an independent service that secures transactions. Of course, we remain open to the standard billing method.
I want to use your writing services !
Contact us !
We’ll talk a little bit about DAFT, a lot about you and, hopefully, we’ll talk about US !