Before we begin...
What exactly is a freelancer ?
A freelancer is above all a passionate at heart. Essential traits to retain and meet the needs of its customers.
For a freelancer, the primary objective is customer satisfaction, unlike a digital agency that will always keep a close eye on its gross margin and operating expenses.
In addition, he has a vast field of knowledge and skills, acquired over the years. Compliance with the mission framework (cost, resources and deadlines) usually has no secrets for him.
For an independent, a mission is always HIS priority and he can devote his nights to it if necessary! Unlike a web agency that legally cannot make its employees work outside of normal office hours.
Savings without compromise !
The solution: working with a DAFT freelancer
Simplified exchanges
With us no salesman, because we want to have a warm and family exchange while getting to know you.
Safety first !
With Malt, all your web projects are covered by AXA PRO RC insurance. This is one more protection for us and one less concern for you.
2 independents for the price of one !
Like two parts of a brain, benefit from twice as much knowledge and expertise that is increasingly relevant.
service fee
Freelance remuneration
Structural costs
Compensation as an employee or freelance subcontractor
ESN, Agency & Consulting Firm
If we say “yes, I want to”, we will send you a quote on the Malt freelancing platform, so that you can validate it and access all the AXA RC Pro security.
When everything is validated on both sides, we will launch our usual production system to offer you a service adapted to your needs: WordPress website creation, content integration, SEO writing…
Last step, we check that everything works well and that the result is up to your expectations. From there, you will be able to validate the end of the mission on Malt and attach your best opinion on the profile of the freelancer !